Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Big school!

its been so long since I checked in here...busy busy lets see my big girl turned twenty-three,our beloved dog Miffy died a few days before her 14th bday, my little girl started big school and absolutely LOVES it! thank goodness because I just wouldn't be able to do it all over again if she cried and hated it the way her big Sister did. she used to beg me not to make her go...it was heartbreaking lol but not this one she doesn't want school to end. she has it all planned out that she can sleep in her classroom LMAO its great I'm so relieved. when I work out how I will put some pics of the two princesses who fill my life!
I have fallen in LOVE with Copics! started off with buying some of the original square markers from eBay,then finding that it is much easier to blend and learn with the sketch or Ciao because of the brush end so I have been adding to my collection slowly..but it is VERY easy to go crazy when shopping for colours LOL I  try really hard to ask myself which ones I need for now but of course I "need" them all ha. I discovered La-la land stamps and they are the best to colour with copics, so much fun. I bought a stack of X-press it blending card-stock and I have just been doing a lot of practicing, I think I'm doing better than when I first started...but I'm not too worried because I'm having fun doing it! I'm dying to get the new Annie's attic copic book I have the first one and I go back to it many times to learn from. the second book comes with a CD which has the images from the book so you can print them out and colour them the same as the book, which is a really great idea because so many times when looking at a book on copic colouring I have thought to myself "I wish I had that stamp so I could really get what they mean about colouring it"  I'm so pleased they thought of it. one of my Copic idols is in the second book again- Debbie Olson I love her colouring talent! I could look at her images all day long! I would love to be somewhere close to how crazy talented she is....I can dream LOL
My Bday is coming up next Tuesday and I'm excited because my big girl is having the day off work to spend with me...even though I said last year that was the last Bday I was having I guess I will have one this year LMAO but that's it NO more bdays after this one!!! I'm going to stay this age forever!!! I don't feel my age I don't act my age and I really hope I don't look my age..suppose it could be worse I could look older than my age HA! the important thing is we are all together, we are happy, healthy, and loved I couldn't ask for more. I honestly don't know where I would be if I didn't have my girls, they are the world to me. everything good that has happened to me is because of them.
Our new tradition for Bdays is the bday girl gets to pick what they would like for their special breakfast...which means ANYTHING! my big girl had her 23rd bday in Dec and she got pancakes with icecream & strawberries, blueberries and maple syrup! her little sister was sooo upset she didn't have her bday come faster so she could eat in bed, that's all she wants to be allowed to eat breakfast in bed LOL
I have no idea what I'm going to request on the day...I really should have a bowl of special K seeing as I need/want to lose weight but who knows!  little one is bummed she will be at school while Sissy is home with me-the ONLY time she has had second thoughts about going to school!! but when we assured her we would wait for her to get home before we had any fun she was fine lol
wow this turned out to be a lonnnnngggg post!
hopefully I can figure out how to upload photo's on here soon.
more soon....